Posts Tagged ‘MSNBC’

Super Tuesday is coming FAST!

February 4, 2008

Super Tuesday is coming and fast!! My state has all ready voted for Hillary Clinton but it should be great to watch what happens out there on Tuesday.  I have been reading the blogs like and  (hey, we already voted for Clinton remember) and many other ones out there and have to admit there are some interesting things going on out there in web land and TV landJ  

 I have found blogs that have some really nasty comments on all candidates and just sit here going wow, so much passion with this election.  One candidate is out there going “Wow!! Look who supports me!” and another candidate is out there going, “Ya, so what? Look who is supporting me!!”   From there it goes to who can blame who and who can cut down who the most effectively!  As I am watching all this, I could careless who is running around screaming how wonderful you are. Show me your greatness on clear cut answers on the issues!  As Obama said we all have endorsements but when push comes to shove it is the candidate who got elected sitting in the white house. Clinton stated at the end of the day it is my name on the paperwork.  How true it is!  

 I am excited about this as it is History in the making.  It is the first time that we will vote for a woman presidential candidate or an African American Presidential candidate.  Wow, what a ticket! I think America is great! I think that the fact that we can even have these choices is great. I hope that everyone out here will go out and vote! It doesn’t matter if it is for Clinton or McCain or who ever else, just go vote for the person you feel will be the best candidate.  

It is mind boggling watching people say to get your husband muzzled to Hillary and to hear others accusing Obama of not being clear in the issues and avoiding talking about them.  Then we hear the GOP saying, I am better at this and he is not telling the truth.  Wow, it is like a soap opera out there!   Throw in a few more of the stars and hey we have a major hit on our hands!  There has been so much mud slinging. I regularly go to visit to see who is saying what and how true it is!   

This should be one heck of a day on Tuesday. I have my popcorn and am ready to sit with my eyes glued to the TV set on MSNBC. I want to see how much hoopla can be run in one day!  Our non -counted, not-meaning anything Florida votes are in for Clinton so I can’t wait to see what the rest of the nation has to say.